Emilia is a film photographer herself and I was following her on instagram for some time. I was really happy that we finally managed to shoot together. Stephanie found this amazing location – a beautiful AirBnb in Gent. It is basically a garden house that the owner refurbished and expanded to serve as a little apartment. It does not have heating and hence is only available in the summer – but for a shoot on a sunny March Sunday it was warm enough.

I  took mainly those cameras that did not get a lot of attention lately, Hasselblad 501cm, Rolleiflex 2.8F and Plaubel Makina 67. BW film was Kodak Tmax 400, Colour was a mix of Portra 400 and Fuji 400H. The colour images were processed and scanned by Carmencita Film Lab.

Stephanie’s beautiful video can be seen here.